Secure Check-In Experience for your guests

HotelPass app focused on resolving identity theft from hotel management systems, granting
decentralized storage of PII.

Our Mission

Despite the decline in travel due to the COVID pandemic, the industry saw a 530% increase in cyberattacks directed at them. As a result, since January 1, 2021, 4.4 million leaked credentials related to airlines, travel, and hospitality organizations worldwide have been reported.Hotelpass is designed to prevent any bad actors in between. It focuses on biometry information and yet never gives credentials that can be used to steal the account.

Fast integration to your system

HotelPass offers a platform-agnostic solution.You spend less time on integrations and more time protecting your data.

Passwordless check-in

As a modern solution, we use QR codes instead of flat passwords. Then we check the device and the biometry information connected to the account.

Guests' data protected

The data of each guest is stored on a mobile device. So you get a GPDR-ready solution that leaves complete control to users over their data.

Product overview

Key Benefits

Secure storage of PII

Private information remains private at every stage of interaction. It's stored on a user's device.

Check-in guests in seconds

Create a unified digital pass to allow guests to check in fast at any branch of your hotel. Or create multiple different identities for different hotels.

Tailored for your needs

Customize the data required for the check-in. Need to extend data requested with a guest's car – we got you covered.

Boutique hotel owner

Rodger Ovidio

"HotelPass has truly transformed my small hotel. The check-in process is seamless, and the added security measures have been outstanding. I can assure my guests that their information remains private."

Enhance your check-in experience

Provide fast and smooth check-in for hotel visitors. Let guests control their personal information and protect your business from identity fraud.

© HotelPass by 2023. All rights reserved.

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